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My One Year Post-Operation Update

So here it is: my one year spinal fusion post-operation update! I've been waiting to write this blog post basically for a whole year! This has been one of the best, yet challenging years of my life thus far, but I remain incredibly thankful and humbled by my whole surgery and recovery experience. I've definitely learned a lot about myself during this process and I know I'll continue to meet new challenges and overcome them with the strength I've gained throughout my first spinal-fusion year. Because my one year post-operation appointment was rescheduled to June 24th due to the pandemic, I will be writing a separate post with more physiological details of my recovery, and I will include X-ray pictures and update you all on any potential restrictions that are lifted!

On my blog's instagram page (girlwiththespinething) I asked you guys if you had any questions about my first year post-operation and I selected the most popular questions to answer!

Question #1: With everything considered, are you glad that you made the decision to get spinal fusion surgery?

Yes, I am soooooo so so glad that I got surgery. It's such an amazing feeling to not be in chronic pain anymore and to not be self-conscious about my rib-hump (which I no longer have). It's also so great to know that because of surgery I don't have to worry about if my scoliosis will affect me later on in life. More than anything, getting this surgery has given me peace of mind.

My before and after pictures.

Question #2: Will you get any flexibility back?

I will not get any flexibility back in the areas of my spine that are fused, but I have gained a lot of flexibility in my hips and legs! An example of this would be if I were to drop something on the floor, instead of my back bending to pick up the object, I bend at the hips instead!

Question #3: How long will it be until you can fully exercise and have your weight limit increased?

I have to wait until my one year post-operation appointment (which was resechdueld to June 24th due to the pandemic) to know what restrictions will be lifted and if the amount of weight I can lift will be increased! I'm hopeful that my spine will be completely fused and that I'll be cleared to maybe jog or run, and I think my weight limit would be increased slightly at the least!

Question #4: Are there any activities that would be risky to do after spinal fusion surgery?

If you're worried if activities you previously did before spinal fusion surgery are unsafe I'd recommend contacting your physician! The one that I've heard a no-go is bungee jumping, but I've had no desire to do that! Also, during the intitial recovery process individuals should not be doing a lot of activities that have 'impact' like running, jumping, etc...

Question #5: What have you had to change in terms of movement for daily activities?

Some movements that are a bit more challenging than before surgery are tying my shoes, applying lotion to my legs and buying groceries (as the weight limit restricts how much I can buy at once).

Question #6: When did all of your pain disappear completely after surgery, and are you still experiencing no pain?

All of my pain disappeared around three weeks post-operation; however, if I were to move in certain ways I would get some muscle spasms or the odd sharp pain. I stopped getting these pains at around three months post-operation, but I still occasionally get muscles spasms or an odd tingling sensation around my spine every once in a while!

Question #7: How have you managed to stay so positive despite the limitations from the surgery?

My family and friends have played a huge role in ensuring that I've kept my head up during this experience. There were definitely times where I struggled to stay positive, but most of the struggles were when I was still in pain from my surgery! I also think that interacting with other members of the scoliosis community who've shared their personal stories and cheered me on has been pivotal to my outlook on my experience.

I also just want to reiterate something that I wrote while I was still in the hospital recovering from surgery (but with slight edits to reflect current situations):

I'm so beyond, and forever grateful to the medical team at BC Children's Hospital for changing my life. Although this isn't the end of my journey, I can already say I have reciewed amazing, world-class care from my surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, physiotherapists, and other health practitioners that were also aiding me. Of course, a big shoutout to my parents and sister for staying and caring for me at the hospital (and at home), and for their unwavering support. Also thank you to everyone who has reached out to me during all phases of my recovery. Your stories, encouragement, and love has definitely made an impact on my recovery, and for that I am forever humbled and appreciative. I also feel at this time it's important to thank all health care workers who continue to battle COVID-19. It's amazing what we as individuals can do and the impact we can have on the world when we are selfless, dedicated, and wanting to make changes for the better.

This blog is my own personal experience and journey with Scoliosis. It is not a medical blog, and if anyone has concerns about their own health, they should see a physician.

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