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My Post-Operation Exercise Routine!

Since I get a lot of inquiries about my post-operation exercises, I decided I'd put together a couple video clips of my current rehabilitation exercise routine! I don't do all of the exercises every single day, or all of them in a single workout, but I thought it would be a good idea to show some core and back strengthening exercises that I've been loving! I'm almost nine months post-op, so these exercises are what I've been doing frequently (since medically cleared to do them), and I gradually increase the intensity of them to make them more challenging! Everyone's rehabilitation experiences are different, so depending on constraints (example: ten pound weight limit), you should ask your physicians what exercises would work best for you and your back!

Exercise #1 - Cardio Workout (12, 3, 30):

After a five minute warmup on the treadmill, I change the incline to 12 degrees, the speed up to 3 mph, and walk at this rate for 30 minutes (that's why I call it 12, 3, 30). This is a great cardio workout that will definitely tire you out! If this is too difficult, try decreasing the workout time, the incline, or the speed!

Exercise #2 - Arm Raises:

These are raises help with core stability and strength, as well as back and arm strength! I usually perform three sets of ten reps on each side! Remember to stand as straight as possible and don't bend anywhere in your core!

Exercise #3 - Core Resistance:

This is a really good strengthening exercise for your upper back and arms, as you aim to not lower or drop the weight. I usually try to perform this exercise for a minute!

Exercise #4 - Squats:

Squats are good for legs, gluteal muscles and your core! I do regular squats with a 10-pound weight, and then I perform "swinging squats" with a five pound weight as a challenge! Make sure to have proper posture and alignment!

Exercise #5 - The V-Sit:

This exercise works your core muscles! Without leaning too far back, try to hold your feet just above the ground without putting them down! I try to perform this exercise for a minute!

Exercise #6 - Abdominal Resistance:

This exercise really works your abdomen, as you're trying to not lower your legs and keep still! For an added challenge, straighten your legs more or lower them closer to the ground!

Exercise #7 - Adapted Sitting Exercises:

Sitting on an exercise ball can increase the challenge level exercises, as you're faced to have balance and core strength to remain seated properly on the ball while performing these movements. I like to preform core strengthening exercises and back strengthening exercises such as these to increase and even-out the strength of my scapulas, and back muscles!

This blog is my own personal experience and journey with Scoliosis. It is not a medical blog, and if anyone has concerns about their own health, they should see a physician.

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