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Eight-Month Post-Operation Update!

After taking a brief break to focus on my final exams and the winter holidays, I'm back with another post! I'm so excited to be sharing my progress and challenges I've recently been facing with all of you!

Firstly, I've been increasing my level of activity. I've been walking to and from my university most days (around 4.5km), which feels great to be able to do and not be in pain! Unfortunately, from all of this brisk walking, the arches of my feet have started to ache a bit - particularly my left foot! From what I've learned in my degree thus far, I'm assuming the overuse injury is more noticeable on my left side as I used to bear about 65 percent of all my bodyweight onto my right side. Since surgery my weight bearing has obviously changed to being close to an ideal 50-50 distribution of weight! I've also been doing some low-intensity core exercises as well, and I'm planning on creating a "spinal-fusion recovery workout" video!

I think that my largest challenge of the past couple of months has been my nerves reconnecting, especially in my back! I've started gaining more feeling again around my scar, but a lot of places are still a bit numb. The pains I get from the nerves reconnecting are very quick, sharp pains that occur randomly no matter what activity I'm doing. I just keep having to remind myself that this is a normal aspect of recovery and it means that I'm getting closer and closer to full recovery with ever little nerve pain I get!

Other than trying to be more physically active, I've been focusing the majority of my time on my studies and my job.

One of my many walking routes!

This blog is my own personal experience and journey with Scoliosis. It is not a medical blog, and if anyone has concerns about their own health, they should see a physician.

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