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Answering Frequently Asked Questions!

Since my surgery I've received a lot of questions about how my recovery is going and how my life has changed. I've decided to share the most common questions that I get with everyone because I think they could help a few people as well!

Question #1: How did you feel before and after the operation?

A couple of months before my surgery I started getting bad back pain, so in some ways I was actually looking forward to just getting the surgery over with and moving on with a back-painless life! Immediately after surgery I was in pain, but that's to be expected with any operation! Even just a few weeks into my recovery I could tell that I had made the right decision by electing to have spinal fusion surgery. Now, I'm not in any pain, and I'm way happier than what I was before surgery (since chronic pain can really take a toll on you after a while)!

A few hours after coming out of surgery.

Question #2: What medication do/did you take for pain?

When I was in the hospital recovering, I was on morphine for pain medication, along with other medications like antibiotics. I was also given ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and on the odd occasion I was given lorazepam to help with some severe skeletal muscle spasms that I was having. I'm currently not taking any medication for pain, and I believe I stopped taking my morphine around eight days post-operation, as the side effects became worse than the back pain itself from surgery. That being said, I was still taking ibuprofen, and acetaminophen regularly until I was about two weeks post-operation. After three weeks I had stopped taking all pain medications completely. Everyone's pain tolerance and recovery are a different experience, but thankfully I didn't have to be on pain medications for too long!

Question #3: Did you have to have a rod to fix your curve, and does it affect your way of life?

Yes, I have two rods in my back which are each around 30cm (a foot) in length! Since I had spinal fusion surgery, the rods play a vital role in making sure that my bone fuses properly and as straight as possible! Basically, the rods make it so I can't bend before my spine fuses together, so any activity that requires some bending is affected by them! It can affect any movement like putting on shoes to getting out of bed; however, it depends where your spine is fused from, since everyone is a bit different!

This is an x-ray of the rods in my vertebrae!

Question #4: How has your life changed for you since you had your surgery?

The biggest change that I've noticed is that I'm no longer in constant pain! Overall, I'd say I feel happier and more confident in my own skin since having my surgery, and I'm so glad that I had it done because it has truly changed my life for the better!

Question #5: How often do you go for a check-up? Also, how long is the follow up time period?

My surgeon said that my more immediate or important follow-ups would span a year, since that was the estimated amount of time I was given to fully recover from spinal fusion surgery! The check-ups that I've had are: two weeks post-operation, six weeks post-operation and three months post-operation. I have yet to have my: six-month post-operation check-up (happening in a few weeks) as well as my one-year post-operation check-up. After my first year post spinal fusion surgery, I will have a two, three, five, and ten-year post operation check-ups since I volunteered to be a part of a research study!

Question #6: Will you be able to play sports ever again after spinal fusion surgery?

Before my surgery I was a competitive soccer player and would also coach soccer a ton. After my surgeon medically clears me to play sports (and tells me which sports or activities I'll be able to do or play) I'll be in the clear! Collision sports may not be the safest bet after spinal fusion but it's up to the discretion of a medical practitioner! After recovery, I will be able to run, jump, bike, swim, and kick perfectly fine - so I'm not too worried about not being able to play sports or be as active as I was prior to surgery!

Question #7: Do you ever get annoyed with your spinal rods or are you used to it by now?

At first I could almost swear that I could feel the rods in my back, even though the rods themselves were not painful, they were just uncomfortable at first. Now it's perfectly fine and I don't even notice them anymore. The only time I can feel some sort of resistance in my back is if I sneeze or I'm bent over a bit!

This blog is my own personal experience and journey with Scoliosis. It is not a medical blog, and if anyone has concerns about their own health, they should see a physician.

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