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Three-Month Post-Operation Update and Transformation Pictures!

On September 4th I had my three-month post-operation appointment in Vancouver! Everything looks the exact same as it did six weeks post-operation, which is great news. We only did x-rays, so I'll have to wait until the beginning of November to have my bone-density and pulmonary function tests.

Overall, I've been walking a lot better and faster, and my weight-carrying limit has been increased to 15 pounds! I'm now back in Toronto for my third year of university, so I had my first airplane ride since having surgery. The turbulence we experienced on the flight did feel a little different - probably because there was no way my vertebrae could be stretched to have that tingly-spine feeling when you have a drastic decrease in elevation. Since I wasn't able to carry my suitcase or backpack my father came along to Toronto with me (so he got a mini vacation).

I've also been having several RMT (registered massage therapy) sessions, which have been helping me a lot for muscle strengthening!

I also am super excited to share the before and after pictures that my cousin took of me:

Keep in mind that these photos are only from my third month of recovery, so gradually as my muscles get stronger and my spine fully fuses, my scar will start to fade more, and I'll look even more symmetrical! I'm so incredibly happy with the results of this surgery - I definitely think that all the pain I went through was worth it.

This blog is my own personal experience and journey with Scoliosis. It is not a medical blog, and if anyone has concerns about their own health, they should see a physician.

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