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My Six-Week Post-Operation Appointment and Update

A couple weeks ago I went back to Vancouver to have my six-week post-operation appointment (even though I was seven weeks post-operation at that point). I had more x-rays taken and met with my surgeon. He assured me that my recovery was on track and faster than usual, which was really great news! I was also cleared to drive again and do light workouts.

Here are the before and after surgery x-rays (standing upright). The 'before' was taken a week before surgery and the 'after' was taken at my last check-up on July 10th.

As you can see from my x-rays, there is a dramatic improvement from what I looked like before surgery. I should point out that in the x-rays I am favouring my neck towards my left side. I've been working with a registered massage therapist to help my neck relax a bit more and work on stimulating the muscles around my lower neck, shoulder blades, and back. I've also been working on my knees and hips, particularly due to the after-effects of the traction device during my surgery.

I still have my 'numb spots' on my left thigh and right buttocks; however, the one on my right side has been improving, and the one on my left thigh has been very slowly improving.

Overall, the recent stages of my recovery have been easy and pain-free! I'm excited to gradually increase my physical abilities and I'm curious to see how my third year of university will go with my recovery.

My next appointment is September 4th, right before I leave to go back to university. Blog posts will continue to be posted when I have something new to update everyone on.

This blog is my own personal experience and journey with Scoliosis. It is not a medical blog, and if anyone has concerns about their own health, they should see a physician.

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